Intelligent Automation

Leveraging Intelligent Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Automation (IA) are not new concepts to the business world.

In recent years, the technology has progressed substantially, making it more accessible to small and large-scale businesses who are able to create flexible and affordable solutions.

Benefits of Intelligent Automation

Intelligent Automation is changing the way business is done across a wide range of industries, helping companies increase performance and efficiency in areas that have traditionally been performed by manual operation.

The Newton Group Difference

By analysing your business operations and workflows, the Newton Group can identify areas of your business that may benefit from Intelligent Automation.

We can provide you with a strategy which will outline the best solutions that can be tailored to fit the needs of your growing organisation.

Our team can also manage the delivery and change management activities.

We can help you:

  • Identify your current business challenges
  • Facilitate identification and delivery of streamlined business processes
  • Understand and deliver your business requirements
  • Pinpoint workflows or processes that will benefit from Intelligent Automation
  • By providing a strategy aimed at increasing organisational performance and efficiency

The Newton Group Difference

By analysing your business operations and workflows, the Newton Group can identify areas of your business that may benefit from Intelligent Automation.

We can provide you with a strategy which will outline the best solutions that can be tailored to fit the needs of your growing organisation.

Our team can also manage the delivery and change management activities.

We can help you:

  • Identify your current business challenges
  • Facilitate identification and delivery of streamlined business processes
  • Understand and deliver your business requirements
  • Pinpoint workflows or processes that will benefit from Intelligent Automation
  • By providing a strategy aimed at increasing organisational performance and efficiency


We have worked with some of the most trusted brands in Australia and South East Asia. We have the experience to deliver programs at scale across a range of industries and methodologies.

We are proud to have partnered with the following clients:


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